Makes 40 canapé-sized portions
1,5kg de-boned pork belly
50g coarse salt
50g brown sugar
2g roasted coriander seed
2g roasted cardamom seed
1 litre rendered duck fat
Remove rind from belly then rub with a mixture of the sugar, salt and crushed seeds. Cure for eight hours in the fridge. Rinse off salt crust and place in a roasting pan. Pour the melted duck fat over and cook in the oven at 100°C until tender. Cool in fat.
Beer & guava basting
250g fresh, ripe guavas
150ml light beer
20g fresh coriander leaves
2g black pepper
Blend guavas and beer. Reduce in a pot by half or until sticky. Stir in freshly chopped coriander and black pepper. Cool and refrigerate.
Black pepper biscotti
1 800ml bread flour
200ml fresh thyme
20ml black pepper
8ml baking powder
8ml salt
1 000ml butter
600ml sugar
4 eggs
Cream sugar and butter. Add eggs one at a time. Sift flour and salt together. Add dry ingredients to butter mixture. Shape and rest in fridge overnight. Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes. Cut into shape and re-bake.
To assemble
Slice belly to desired thickness and brush with basting. Reheat at 180°C. Place slices of belly onto biscuits and garnish with mange tout julienne and a coriander sprig.
- David Higgs, Formerly Wheatfields, Meerendal Estate
Sauvignon Blanc
The vineyards of Durbanville, which lie on undulating slopes with pockets which are favourably cool, protected from sunlight and exposed to ocean breezes, have been the source of grapes for many award-winning Sauvignon Blancs. This distinctive line-up of Sauvignons goes particularly well with pork.
Altydgedacht Sauvignon Blanc
Diemersdal Sauvignon Blanc
Durbanville Hills Sauvignon Blanc
Meerendal Sauvignon Blanc
Nitida Sauvignon Blanc