




    Serves 12

    2kg kudu oxtail

    2 cups cake flour

    3 large onions

    2 sticks celery, roughly chopped

    4 carrots, roughly chopped

    2 leeks, roughly chopped

    1 cinnamon stick

    2 star aniseed

    2 bay leaves

    4 litres meat stock

    Salt and pepper

    100g butter

    50ml olive oil

    Place oxtail into a bowl. Add flour and toss until oxtail is well coated. Heat a large heavy bottomed saucepan. Add butter and oil, melt. Add in cinnamon stick, star aniseed and bay leaves, sauté for two minutes. Add onions, leeks, celery and carrots, sauté for five minutes. Add oxtail and sauté for 10 minutes on medium heat. Season to taste. Add stock, reduce heat. Simmer gently for three to four hours, or until meat just about falls off the bone. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Remove meat from pot and flake. Add more seasoning if required. Add an additional cup of chopped carrots, leeks and celery mixed together to meat.


    1 packet of wonton pastry (available at most supermarkets)

    Brush edges of wonton pastry lightly with egg whites. Place one teaspoon of mix into centre of pastry. Fold opposite points of pastry together on top of mix to form wonton shape. Bring two litres of salted water to the boil. Add wontons few at a time. Cook for two to three minutes until al dente. Remove from pot with a slotted spoon. Allow to drain before using

    Biltong scones

    ½ cup cake flour

    10ml baking powder

    2,5ml salt

    10ml sugar

    40ml oil

    1 egg

    ½ cup cream

    250ml shaved biltong

    Pre-heat oven to 180ºC. Sift all dry ingredients into a large bowl. Mix oil, egg and cream. Add biltong. Place mixture into food processor. Blitz for one minute on medium. Spoon mixture into non-stick muffin pans. Bake for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and cool. Cut into round discs and toast.

    Salsa verde wafer

    ½ cup parsley

    ½ cup coriander

    1 teaspoon chopped chives

    1 clove garlic

    4 capers

    1 hard-boiled egg yolk

    ½ cup olive oil


    Blanche and refresh the parsley, coriander and chives. Place all ingredients into a blender and blend into a paste. Strain and reserve the oil. Spread paste onto greased baking paper and dry in cool oven overnight. Break into wafers.

    To serve

    Place toasted biltong scone onto a plate, add cooked wonton on top, place wafer half under wonton, drizzle with oil as garnish.

    - Vanie Padayachee, The Restaurant at Grande Provence


    Pinotage is unique to South Africa and is enjoyed worldwide for the distinctively rich and spicy wines it produces. More than a fifth of our red wine vineyards are dedicated to Pinotage and many fine examples are produced in the Stellenbosch area. Whether bottled as a single varietal wine or as a component in a blend, Pinotage complements this venison dish with an Asian twist.

    Asara Cape Fusion (Cabernet Sauvignon-Merlot-Pinotage)

    DeWaal Cape Blend (Merlot-Pinotage-Shiraz)

    Jacobsdal Pinotage

    Meinert Synchronicity (Cabernet Sauvignon-Merlot-Pinotage)

    Neethlingshof Lord Neethling Pinotage